BLUEPRINT STUDIO / Creative Direction & Design
DNPのP&Iラボ・東京の体験ゾーン『BLUEPRINT STUDIO』のFORECASTING AREAのクリエイティブディレクションとプロダクトデザインを担当しました。遥か先の未来シーンをリアルに体感、没入できるBACKCASTING AREAと、手の届きそうな未来に繋がるテーマを紹介するキューブ型展示が並ぶFORECASTING AREAで空間を構成。未来へのアプローチが異なる2つのエリアを通して、DNPとパートナー企業の方々とで未来の青写真を描く共創スペースとなっています。
I did the creative direction and product design for the FORECASTING AREA of DNP's P&I Lab Tokyo experience zone "BLUEPRINT STUDIO." The space consists of the BACKCASTING AREA, where you can realistically experience and immerse yourself in scenes far into the future, and the FORECASTING AREA, where cube-shaped exhibits are lined up to introduce themes that connect to a future that is within reach. Through two areas with different approaches to the future, this is a co-creation space where DNP and partner companies draw a blueprint for the future.